:: Painting Reality // Premiere @ Kreuzberg Biennale Berlin ::

Date: July 8th, 2010

Dear friends in the rest of the world!

I'm very proud to anounce my latest work Painting Reality! The online movie is coming soon.

My very best from Berlin,


‚Painting Reality’ – A Brushstroke by Society –

Premiere of ‘Painting Reality’ & Reading by Helmut Kuhn 9th of July 2010 Forgotten Bar Boppstrasse 5 as part of the Kreuzberg Biennale, Berlin

500 litres of paint were dumped on Rosenthaler Platz on the 25th of April, 2010 – a new colour in front of every traffic light: lemon yellow, chimney red, cyan blue, and purple violet. The cars drove over the paint and became ‚paint brushes’. The action was executed anonymously. For months people were guessing whether this was a ‘Guerrilla Advertising Campaign’ or an artwork.

It is a work of art by Dutch artist IEPE (b. 1974) together with an anonymous crew. IEPE is known for his ‘traffic congestive actions’ in Berlin and Tokyo, as well as the raining ‘Miracle’ trees in Singapore, Berlin and Arnsberg. Addition-ally, he is the inventor of the hybrid sport ‘Chess Boxing’ and is the director of the World Chess Boxing Organisation, WCBO, with clubs in Siberia, London, Los Angeles and Berlin.

IEPE works “within society” or “with society”. For him Chess Boxing is as much Social Sculpture as an independent sport. Thus the artists’ idea was to find a way of combining body and mind and integrate this modality in society. As well as this, his work is about controlling aggression and thinking outside of the many boxes society consists of. The work ‘ Painting Reality’ is connected to the idea of Social Sculpture and is a picturesque implementation of it.

On this evening the Berlin author Helmut Kuhn reads from a yet unpublished novel where the protagonist also is a chess boxer. In this particular draft of the novel he also observes the painting action at Rosenthaler Platz.

After the reading, the premiere of the film ‚Painting Reality’ will take place. It is a documentation and co-production by the director Achim Bornhak (a.o. ‚Das Wilde Leben’) and IEPE. Apart from this, a documentation of the first Chess Boxing match, which took place in Amsterdam 2003, will be shown.

The film premiere of ‘Painting Reality’ (documentation) takes place at Forgotten Bar and the reading will be held in the sandbox in front of the bar. It is curated by Solvej Helweg Ovesen - all as part of the Kreutzberg Biennale.

Date: Friday 9th of July 2010, 20:00-23:00
Adresse: Forgotten Bar, Boppstrasse 5, 10967 Berlin

20:00 Screening ‚1. Chess Boxing World Championship’
21:00 Introduction IEPE and Reading Helmut Kuhn in the Sandbox in front of Forgotten Bar
22:00 Premier ‚Painting Reality’ in the Forgotten Bar


respect: the anonymous Crew, Platoon, Sankt Oberholz, Audioforce & Das Werk


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